5.0       Legal Implications


5.1       There are no specific legal implications


6.0       Consultation and Responses


6.1      This report has been the subject of full consultation with Directorates and is agreed by Management Board


7.0      Conclusions and Recommendations


7.1       That the Executive


a.    notes that the information in the Q2 Performance Report is used as a performance baseline or starting point for the new council


b.    notes the forecast outturn position against the 2023/24 Revenue Budget, as summarised in paragraph 2.2.2.


c.    notes the forecast outturn position for the Housing Revenue Account as set out in paragraph 2.3.1.


d.    approves the move of £10,443k from Strategic Capacity Unallocated to General Working Balances as set out in paragraph 2.5.1


e.    notes the position on the Council’s Treasury Management activities during the second quarter of 2023/24

f.     refers this report to the Audit Committee for their consideration as part of the overall monitoring arrangements for Treasury Management.

g.    Approve the refreshed Capital Plan summarised at paragraph 4.2.3;

h.    Approve the addition of £580k to the capital plan for the Scarborough chalets, on an invest to save basis; and officers be given delegated authority to proceed with the scheme (paragraph 4.4.7);

i.      Agree that no action be taken at this stage to allocate any additional capital resources (paragraph 4.8.7).





Richard Flinton

Chief Executive


28 November 2023

Gary Fielding

Corporate Director, Strategic Resources